School of Social and Political Science

Veronika Maricic

Job Title

PhD student, Social Policy

Veronika Maricic

City (Address)


Country (Address)

United Kingdom

Research interests

Research interests

Education Policy, History of Education, Nations and Nationalism, Discourse Analysis



MA Educational Science (with Distinction), University of Vienna

BA Educational Science, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

PhD Project

Title: Teachers College and its Pioneers - From a Faith in Numbers to Experts in Education, 1890s- 1920s

The project is supervised by Prof. Dr. Sotiria Grek and Prof. Dr. Lindsay Paterson, and funded through the Graduate School of Social and Political Science PhD Award. 

Teaching/Tutoring Experience

Courses in Educational Science (BA) at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Educational Science (BA and MA) at University of Vienna, and Childhood Education (BA) at Katholische Stiftungshochschule Munich.


Tröhler, D. & Maricic, V. (2023). Education and the Nation: Educational Knowledge in the Dominant Theories of Nationalism. In D. Tröhler (eds.), Education, Curriculum and Nation Building (pp. 7-33). Routledge.

Gotling, N.; Maricic, V. & Boser Hofmann, L. (2023). “The divine fire … burns within them.” National Davids and Goliaths in Swiss, Danish and Scottish School Lessons. In D. Tröhler (eds.), Education, Curriculum and Nation Building (pp. 34-54). Routledge.

Maricic, V. (2022). A Case in Point of Religious Roots in Modern Social Sciences [Review of the book Religion and the Rise of Capitalism by Benjamin M. Friedman]. International Journal for the Historiography of Education. 12(1), 88-91.

Huber, M. & Maricic, V. (2021). Jugend und Emotion: Zur emotionalen Lebenswirklichkeit von Jugendlichen am Übergang. In F. Berger et al. (eds.), Jugend - Lebenswelt - Bildung (pp. 327-344). Barbara Budrich.

Tröhler, D. & Maricic, V. (2021). Data, Trust, and Faith: The Unheeded Religious Roots of Modern Education. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 19(2), 138-153.

Maricic, V. (2020). National Identity Textbooks: Teaching Scottishness in the Wake of the Union of Parliaments. Croatian Journal of Education, 22(2), 29-46.

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