School of Social and Political Science

Fieldwork and travel risk assessment


Any travel undertaken for dissertation research is subject to a risk assessment procedure (even if that travel is just within the City of Edinburgh). The University of Edinburgh does not take responsibility for the wellbeing and safety of students carrying out field work, either in the United Kingdom or in other countries. It is therefore each student’s own responsibility to take out adequate insurance and be alert to the demands that may be made upon them by unfamiliar circumstances.

To create a record of any planned travel and attain approval by the School, students have to fill in a risk assessment form well in advance of their intended fieldwork.

Travel away from the University campus for fieldwork purposes requires submission of the Travel Plan and Risk Assessment (RA1) form Student Development Office ( at least two weeks prior to the date of travel. This must be sent from your University email address and must be approved before you depart. You do not need to also complete Fieldwork Assessment Form FA1.

We recommend you use the University's free travel insurance where applicable.

Student category
Taught MSc