School of Social and Political Science

Guidance for Submissions through Turnitin Feedback Studio


Coursework  for SPS courses is generally submitted online using the Turnitin Feedback Studio submissions platform.

 Below are details for submission using the Turnitin Feedback Studio. Please note this guidance is for both PG and UG courses using Turnitin Feedback Studio.

If your coursework is using a different submissions platform, please refer to the submissions guidance on the course Learn page.

Please note that once the drop box is closed, we will no longer be able to accept your assignment

We recommend submitting your work at least 1 hour before the deadline to ensure you have sufficient time to submit and any problems can be dealt with before the deadline has passed. Please also ensure you have access to the internet well before the deadline.

You should use Firefox or Chrome as your browser when submitting to Turnitin. 

Add the cover sheet to your document 

You will find the student cover sheet for Feedback Studio on the course learn page. 

Add this to your submission file as page 1 and complete the required fields. 

Please note that Turnitin will automatically generate a word count for your submission when you upload it. Markers will use the word count you have indicated on your cover sheet so do not worry if Turnitin shows a higher word count.

Make sure your assignment has been saved in the correct format

All submissions must be formatted as a Microsoft Word document, or a PDF created using Adobe. 

Note for students using Pages - If you are using Pages, convert your file to a Word document. You can do this by exporting or saving as Word. Please note, saving as Pages (or another non-word format) and then adding .doc or .docx to the end of the filename does not make it a Word document. Furthermore, converting from Pages (or another non-Word format) to a Word document may affect your word count. It is important that you check this after converting as penalties may apply.

Name your file correctly

Make sure your file has been saved as your exam number and an abbreviation of the course and component of assessment (i.e. B012345_SocPol essay).

Your exam number starts with B and can be found on your student card.

Please only name your file as shown in the above example. Do not include any additional characters such as question marks.

If your file is not named with your exam number, this may lead to delays in returning your marking to you. 

Keep it anonymous

Check your document does not contain any information that would break anonymous marking (i.e name, student number or hidden personal information).

Before you begin, check!

Check your document before you upload it. Make sure you are uploading the correct, final document, in the correct format!

In the event that you encounter issues in submitting to the Turnitin dropbox, please check the following:

  • Ensure you are using a recommended browser (Firefox or Chrome)
  • Ensure you are submitting a Word or Adobe PDF document.
  • Ensure you are logged in to MyEd
  • Ensure you do not have multiple Learn tabs open
  • Try updating privacy settings on your browser:
    • Chrome: Preferences > Security and Privacy > Cookies and other site data > Send a 'Do Not Track' request with your browsing traffic > untick
    • Firefox: Click the Shield to the left of the address bar and toggle Enhanced Tracking Protection to ‘Off’.
    • Students should reactivate this setting once submission is complete.

If you are still unable to submit, you should email a copy of your work to the course administrator BEFORE the deadline. Lateness penalties will be applied to submissions received after the deadline.

Submitting to Turnitin (via the Course Learn Page)

Ready to submit? Access the dropbox via the Learn page (“Assessments” > “*Component of Assessment* (e.g. Essay 1)” > Click here to access dropbox)

You should enter your exam number as the “Submission title” on the form when prompted. You can find your exam number on your student card and it should always begin with a letter ‘B’ followed by six digits (e.g. B123456).  If you do not enter your exam number and we are unable to identify your submission, this may result in marking delays or penalties.

You can resubmit your paper up until the assessment deadline (see the instruction in ‘Amending your submission’ section). Once the deadline passes, the dropbox will not accept any new submissions and whatever you submitted will be marked, so make sure the document you upload is correct.

If you encounter any technical difficulties, or are unable to submit your work, please contact the course administrator, including a copy of your submission, before the deadline to avoid lateness penalties. If you have submitted your assignment twice by mistake, please email your Course Administrator as soon as possible. 

Once you have submitted Turnitin will generate a Submission ID for you. Please ensure you either make a note of this directly or download the digital receipt of your submission as this is your proof of submission

Your submission has not been successful until you have a submission ID.

Check after submitting

You should ensure that you make a note of the submission ID that generates when you submit, as this is your proof of submission. 

If you spot any mistakes, you can resubmit your paper up untill the assessment deadline. 

To reupload your work, follow the initial steps you took to submit your paper, then hover your cursor over the upload icon (see screenshot below). Click on the upload icon and submit your revised paper. Your new submission will override the old version.

upload icon

Please contact your course administrator in the first instance if you have any queries about your submission. 

Your Course Administrator will post an announcement on the Learn page notifying students that feedback and marks are now available to students. 


Accessing Feedback Studio within Turnitin

You should access the Turnitin dropbox via the Assessment folder, then the Component folder. This will be the same way you accessed it for submitting.

  • Click on the dropbox that you submitted to, then Launch. 

This will take you to the dropbox itself:

  • To view the grade and feedback click on the Paper Title. This will open Feedback Studio in a new window.

From the Feedback Studio you will be able to view your Overall Grade, view the Grading Form or Rubric, view all Instructors Feedback, and Download a copy of the feedback on your paper.

You are also able to click on the grading layers to show or hide feedback on the assignment.

Overall grade

Your overall grade can be found at the top right-hand corner of the Turnitin Feedback Studio. You can also see the maximum marks available for the assignment.

Please note that the grade shown here includes word count penalties but does not include lateness penalties.

Word count penalties will be available to view in your main feedback comments.

If applicable, lateness penalties will appear in the form of a QuickMark at the top of your assignment. Click on “Late penalty” and information about the penalty applied and the impact on the mark will be displayed, with your adjusted mark.


 Rubric scorecards can be used to evaluate students work based on defined criteria and scales. If the instructor has used a rubric scorecard to grade the paper, you can view the criteria and scale that has been used to grade. 

  • To access the Rubric click on the grade icon from the toolbar

  • Select the View Rubric button from the Instructor Feedback side panel to open the scorecard in a new window.

A new window will appear where you can view the rubric scorecard that was used to grade the paper. Each blue highlighted box shows where you have been graded in each of the criteria of the assignment.


Instructor Feedback - Text Comments

A text comment is an overall comment given by the instructor regarding the whole paper. This may include comments on positive aspects of the paper, how to improve in future, or any issues with the paper. 

  • To view the instructor's text comment, click the grade icon from the toolbar. 

The instructor's text comment is now visible from the Instructor Feedback side panel.

If a word count penalty has been applied to your submission, it will be detailed here.

Comments on the paper

 The instructor my leave comments on your paper. Some appear in line with the text.

Speech bubble comments need to be clicked on to open and view.

A QuickMark comment may be a word, phrase or an abbreviation that may have a description attached. This may be a highlighted and labelled to refer to a specific piece of text.

Alternatively, a QuickMark may be placed alongside a line or paragraph. This is usually the case if your instructor is making a more general comment about your paper. Select the QuickMark to view the definition of the mark. Scroll through the information, then click anywhere outside of the expanded to close the QuickMark. 

Voice comments

The instructor may leave a voice comment. You can listen to this when in the Instructor Feedback side panel. Please note that voice comments may only be provided to students on Honours or PGT Courses. 

  • To play the recording select the triangular play icon to the left of the voice comment.

  • To pause the recording select the pause icon to the left of the voice comment.

Download a copy of your feedback
  • Click on the download button, ensuring that you have the feedback layers selected. 

  • Select Current View.

From here, you can choose to ‘Open with your browser’, ‘Open as a PDF’ or ‘Save File’.

Accessing grade and penalty information via GradeCentre

On the My Grades page, you can view all the coursework and grades for the course you're in. You can filter and order your view. Your grade shows on the right hand side for the relevant assignment.
Please note that the grade displayed does include word count penalties but does not include late penalties.