Cristina Asenjo Palma
Job Title
PhD student, Social Policy
Research interests
Research interests
In my work, I have faced a recurrent question: how can communities at disadvantage enhance their well-being? Two approaches lead the development practice in Scotland.
The asset based approach seeks to help people develop skills to address difficulties by themselves. The rights based approach seeks to help people make governments accountable for addressing the structural barriers to well-being.
My research aims to explore how asset and rights based approaches may influence the well-being of communities facing disadvantage across three dimensions: material, social and personal.
Asenjo Palma, C (2018) Conflict resolution in community development: Are the benefits worth the costs? Critical Social Policy.
Asenjo, C (2015), Rethinking the Relationship with the State. Concept, 6 (1), 11.
Asenjo, C (2014), Mediación Intercultural y Liderazgo. Una Experiencia en Bangladesh. Revista de Educación Social, 18.
2015 MSc Community Education (Distinction), The University of Edinburgh, UK.
2013 PgDip Conflict Resolution Studies, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
1999 BA Social Education, University Complutense of Madrid, Spain.
2016-2019 ESRC Doctoral Scholarship
2011 -2012 Asian University for Women Research Grant
1996-1999 Universidad Complutense Scholarship