Undergraduate and Masters Placements: Social Work
The Student Development Office (SDO) supports the administrative delivery of social work placements. It is compulsory for students on both the undergraduate and Master’s programme to conduct placements in either a local authority or third sector agency. During the course of their degree, students complete the following placements:
3rd year undergraduate students and first year Master’s students
- First meetings with service users: A two day placement where students increase their understanding of a user and /or carer’s experience of receiving a social work service. This takes place in September.
- 10 day observational placement: Students observe a social work agency in practice. This takes place in November.
- First placement: A 70 day placement where students’ knowledge, skills and values are assessed in direct social work practice. This takes place from February to June.
4th year undergraduate students and second year Master’s students
- Final placement: A 95 day placement where students’ knowledge, skills and values are assessed in direct social work practice. This takes place from late October to March.
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