School of Social and Political Science

Elif Buse Doyuran

Job Title

PhD Student

Research interests


I am broadly interested in the sociology of platform economies. My doctoral research empirically investigates behavioural nudging that platform actors engage in, based on original interviews with product developers, designers, and marketers. 

The first article from this research, Nudge goes to Silicon Valley: designing for the disengaged and the irrational, was published in the Journal of Cultural Economy and within four weeks of publication became the journal’s second most impactful paper published in the past year.

I have also founded and convene with colleagues The Platform Social - the Edinburgh-based, UK-wide network of early career researchers, with a focus on the social and socio-technical dimensions of platform economies. The network has over fifty members and was awarded funding from the British Sociological Association.


Prof Donald MacKenzie

Dr Liz McFall


  • Doyuran, Elif Buse (2023) Nudge goes to Silicon Valley: designing for the disengaged and the irrational, Journal of Cultural Economy, DOI: 10.1080/17530350.2023.2261485
  • Doyuran, Elif Buse (2021) Book Review: How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism, Journal of Cultural Economy, 14:5, 612-615, DOI: 10.1080/17530350.2021.1927150
  • Bassett, Kath, Doyuran, Elif Buse, McFall, Liz, and McGowan, Addie (2024) “#CovidArcadia: the pandemic conditions of emergence of digital-affective atmosphere” In Market Studies: Mapping, Theorizing and Impacting Market Action. Edited by Susi Geiger et al. Cambridge University Press.

Conferences & Guest Lectures

  • From data to theory: Theorising at the intersection of digital sociology, economic sociology and STS - BSA Postgraduate Regional Day Workshop, Edinburgh (2023) (panel moderator)
  • Platform Company Experiments in “Behavioural Futures” - Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop, Edinburgh (2023), The Platform Social Inaugural Workshop, Edinburgh (2023)
  • Materiality and Agency in Behaviourally Designed Economies - Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics Annual Meeting, Amsterdam (2022)
  • Interfacing Behaviour in Digital Economies - European Association for Study of Science and Technology Annual Conference, Madrid (2022)
  • Repurposing Google Ads for Controversy Mapping: The Web3 Project - University of Amsterdam, Digital Methods Winter School Final Presentations, Virtual (2022)
  • Socio-Material Adaptations and the Role of ‘Digital Affective’ Premises in a Pandemic City’ - Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics Annual Meeting, Virtual (2021)
  • Reassembling the Behavioural Apparatus - University of Edinburgh, Department of Sociology, New Directions Conference, Virtual (2021)
  • The Social Machine: The Ethics and Epistemology of Computational Sociology’ (panelist) - University of Edinburgh, Department of Sociology, New Directions Conference, Virtual (2021)


PhD Sociology, The University of Edinburgh (2020 - ongoing)

MSc Human Rights (Sociology), London School of Economics and Political Science (2018 - 2019)

BA Political Science and International Relations (minor in Economics), Bogazici University (2014 - 2018)

Awards & Grants

  • The University of Edinburgh CAHSS College Research Award (2020 - 2023)
  • The University of Edinburgh Graduate School of SPS International Award (2020 - 2023)
  • British Sociological Association Postgraduate Forum Regional Day Event Grant 2023
  • Edinburgh Futures Institute Student Awards and Projects 2022 - 2023
  • Centre for Data, Culture & Society Training Bursary 2021 


Research Assistance

  • Economization: How to Study Economies, Markets, and Platforms (March 2023 onwards) Investigators: Koray Caliskan, Michel Callon, Donald MacKenzie 
  • Networks Project (on the career histories of finance professionals in the risk management field). Lead Investigators: Dr Taylor Spears and Dr Tod Van Gunten (July - August 2021)
  • COVID Arcadia: Socio-Material Adaptations and the Role of ‘Digital Affective’ premises in a Pandemic City. Lead investigator: Dr Liz McFall, Collaborators: Idil Galip, Addie McGowan, Kath Bassett (January - June 2021)


  • Founder and co-convener of The Platform Social research network (October 2022 onwards)
  • Co-organiser of BSA PG Regional Day Event - From Data to Theory: Theorising at the intersection of digital sociology, economic sociology, and STS (Edinburgh, 2023)
  • Co-organiser of The Platform Social Inaugural Event with Minna Ruckenstein, Franck Cochoy and Donald MacKenzie (Edinburgh, 2023)
  • Affiliate researcher at Data Civics at the Edinburgh Futures Institute (2021 onwards)
  • Organising committee of Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop (Edinburgh, 2023)
  • Organising committee of Department of Sociology New Directions Conference (Edinburgh, 2021)
  • Reviewer at Journal of Cultural Economy

Works within

Publications by user content

Publication Research Explorer link
Doyuran EB. Nudge goes to Silicon Valley: Designing for the disengaged and the irrational. Journal of Cultural Economy. 2023 Oct 18. Epub 2023 Oct 18. doi: 10.1080/17530350.2023.2261485
Elif-buse Doyuran's Research Explorer profile