School of Social and Political Science

Past events


The network was established in September 2013. Previous activities (some of which were made possible by funding from the University of Edinburgh's Institute for Academic Development) have included:

  • Research in a Nutshell event (March 2014), featuring presentations by all available FRIED members
  • Public launch event (May 2014) funded by the University of Edinburgh Global Development Academy, with guest speaker and leading food sociologist Professor Liz Dowler, University of Warwick
  • Two writing retreats each academic year for FRIED members (2014/5, 2015/6, 2016/7 and 2017/8)
  • A FRIED Futures workshop on funding for food research with guest speaker Professor Alan Warde, University of Manchester (May 2015)
  • Achieving Healthy and Sustainable Food in Edinburgh's University's and Colleges event with the Soil Association Scotland (November 2015)
  • Three international workshops with colleagues from SOLAL in Paris, IFRO in Copenhagen and ICS in Lisbon (May 2017 in Paris, May 2018 in Edinburgh, May 2019 in Lisbon). See activities of the Bridg'it network.
  • Grants enabling PhD students from Edinburgh to participate in the 2017 and 2018 IEHCA Summer University in Tours